
Music and activities in and from the 1980s

Goodbye Lemmy

On December 26, two days ago, Lemmy Kilmister was notified of a particularly aggressive form of cancer.

Today, December 28th, two days later, Lemmy died.

Lemmy first got his start as bass player for a band in the 60s called the Rockin' Vicars (now found as "Rockin Vickers"). He then graduated to 70s space rock group, Hawkwind. Here's Wikipedia's profile on him...

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History of the ProCo Rat

Everybody seems to know about the KitRae Big Muff Pi Page, which, admittedly, is probably the most authoritative page on the internet about the history of the Electro Harmonix Big Muff distortion pedal .

It includes all the different versions, and each of the permutations of parts within each version.

What we didn't think there was an equivalent for, as the title of this article makes clear, was the same kind of page exulting the ProCo Rat... But there is!

1984 Whiteface ProCo Rat Pedal
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Decline of Western Civilization - Series Released!

We never watched Decline of Western Civilization Part I, The Punk Years. But we've seen Decline, Part II: The Metal Years. We were aware of a Part III, but never found it to be showing or were able to get a DVD of it...

Look no longer. Announced TODAY. Decline of Western Civilization, Parts I, II, and III will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray on June 30th.

Rolling Stone has announced the release and has a brief story about it.
(YouTube continues)

Decline of Western Civilization, Parts I, II, & III, Releasing June 30th
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Twisted Sister Drummer, A.J. Pero Dies at 55

Once you've heard "We're Not Going To Take It" by Twisted Sister, you never forget that drum intro. That song was an anthem of rebellion for many in the early 1980s and beyond. Pero was declared dead yesterday at 11:00 am; apparently of a heart attack while asleep on the tour bus of a part-time band he participated in, "Adrenaline Mob".

More information found at the L.A. Times website HERE.

A.J. Pero on left, died March 20th of an apparent heart attack
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Metallica Revisiting Earliest Days - Release News

We've been pretty clear, at least in an earlier article, about our feelings about Metallica, so we won't belabor them here. However, in order to be consistent with and to those feelings, it seems only fair to give credit where credit is due. Metallica is launching a reissue project where they're taking their cassette release from 1982, "No Life Till Leather", and remastering it and apparently a bunch of other material, and releasing it.

Metallica No Life Till Leather
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