Decline of Western Civilization - Series Released!

We never watched Decline of Western Civilization Part I, The Punk Years. But we've seen Decline, Part II: The Metal Years. We were aware of a Part III, but never found it to be showing or were able to get a DVD of it...

Look no longer. Announced TODAY. Decline of Western Civilization, Parts I, II, and III will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray on June 30th.

Rolling Stone has announced the release and has a brief story about it.

One of our singularly favorite parts of the movie has to be "The Wet Cherri Guy":

Dropped out of school at seventh grade, never had a job, and "can't picture not making it". I think that's called a "trifecta".

Despite the hilarity of the interview, there's always interest in someone as colorful as "The Wet Cherri Guy". Here's a site with an interview from the singer of Wet Cherri and some information on Kim Kelly, aka "The Wet Cherri Guy"!

We're going to try to get our copy of the Decline series on Blu-ray on June 30th.

Decline of Western Civilization, Parts I, II, & III, Releasing June 30th
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