
Extensive Fender Rhodes Electric Piano Review

So there's a group of Fender Rhodes aficionados who post by the name of "Audiotech VR" on Youtube. The video that they've posted is well over an hour long. The video describes the Rhodes Electric Piano, its pieces and its function, and a bit of history as to when it first started being built. They describe the Rhodes in its heyday and put theirs through a number of different songs and artists. They then also go through and put the Rhodes through several effects for a really cool viewing experience.

AudioTech VR demonstrates Fender Rhodes in depth 30Jul2015
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Restoration: Randall "RG100 Classic", Part 2

So you may remember that we had taken in a 1980s Randall "RG100 Classic". While we didn't take any pictures of the amplifier when it first arrived here at Thermionic Studios, we did take some after we'd broken it down a bit for repair. We also took pictures of some of the repair work, including using Bondo where necessary.

Well, here's the finished product.
(More pictures and many more notes inside...)

Front View Completed Randall RG100 Original Refurbish
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Les Paul's Gibson Pickup Winder Refurbished and Working

*Not an April Fools' story:

Throbak Electronics is a company that we've been following for a while. We were going to post something else, but we thought this story was too cool and felt we had to post it as soon as we could. In the wake of the Les Paul Estate Sale, Throbak has recently posted that they obtained yet another vintage Gibson pickup winder. This is *THE* pickup winder that Les Paul took from the Gibson factory when Gibson left Kalamazoo and relocated to Nashville.

Nearly identical Stevens pickup winder at Gibson in the 1950's
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Adventures in Bondo

Goddamnit does Bondo stink. It's really bad.

It smells so bad, that it reminds me of an incident when I was in college, when my friend and I got drunk on potato vodka and rode our bicycles to the local mall. At the mall, we wandered into a Kay-Bee toy store. While we were in there, goofing around, my friend, Anton, cracked open a liquid glitterglobe that was on the end of a pencil. He proceeded to flick the glitterglobe juice on me. The juice had an odor that hit me almost immediately, and as a result, I laughed so hard I peed my pants...

Horrible smelling Bondo is sort of amazing
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Way Huge Product Leak - The Overrated Special

Presumably Jim Dunlop, the owner of the MXR and Way Huge line of pedals, was ok with this (since they reposted it in their twitter feed on 04 Mar 2015):

Westside MI in London spied this pedal in J. Bonamassa's Instagram feed and reposted it to Twitter. Jim Dunlop reposted it without incident... Apparently this is they way you leak your new product releases and get people to talk about it...

J Bonamassa "leaks" the new Way Huge Overrated Special
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Guitargeek - Guitar Signal Chain Examples is, as its name suggests, one of the geekier sites on the internet with respect to documenting rock artists and what they do to get their sound. The archive claims to go back to 1993, when the author and originator, Adam Cooper, began the project. Unfortunately, as I recall there used to be a lot more information up on It appears that despite logging material since 1993, the site only goes back a little over a year, to December (a few times, I've seen a few August, but not reliably) 2013.

Guitar Geek Sample Image - Can you find this artist?
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