
Big Mama Thornton and the Blues Prelude to Heavy Music

So it's been a number of years since we first came across these recordings on YouTube. Most everyone is familiar with Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog". Presley reworked the song, "Hound Dog", originally written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, into a song about an actual dog. Big Mama Thornton recorded the original version in Los Angeles on 13 Aug 1952! It's much darker, much rawer, and typically appeals to those who aren't satisfied with simple pop sensibilities.

Big Mama Thornton's version of "Hound Dog":

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Orange Goblin: Frequencies from Planet Ten

So we've loved Orange Goblin for years here at Thermionic. It occured to us to share Orange Goblin here because, while we like to find and share new (and old) obscure stuff that we search out, sometimes we're so deep in it, we don't realize that what's "well known". Orange Goblin is one of those bands that clearly creates and performs great music. They really haven't broken through. There's no radio airplay. There's no mention of them in the media. Of course, that could be said of just about every "heavy" band today.

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Uncle Doug and Tube Amp Education

For a few years now, I've been scouring the Internet, looking for snippets, and bits and pieces of information - and putting them together in order to try and build a reasonable educational curriculum on how to master the building of, and the repair of, tube amplifiers. I've wanted to do it whether the amps built are for Guitar, Bass, Vocals, or public address (PA). I've bought Merlin Blencowe's books on building tube amps. I even have his out-of-print "Designing Power Supplies for Tube Amplifiers".

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Formed in 1993 in St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, Sheavy (or sHEAVY) has an incredible sound. Clearly they love themselves some Black Sabbath. I looked them up because I wanted to hear a tune of theirs and had forgotten just how much I like them. "Synchronized" is the tune linked below:


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