Naga Viper

From Thermionic Studios
Revision as of 18:42, 22 February 2018 by Zander (talk | contribs) (Schematic)
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Catalinbread Naga Viper Treble Booster


Cbread NagaViper front.png

General Information

Pedal Manual

Phase Inversion



None available!

We compared the parts and layout of a Naga Viper with the schematic of the Serpent Boost from Rullywow. The name Serpent Boost suggests it's a clone of the Naga Viper, but our inspection shows that it's not a clone, but a workalike of some fashion. Until we, or someone else draws and submits to us a schematic for posting here, we don't have a schematic. We can examine the layout (not the schematic) of the Naga Viper to come to a conclusion about phase inversion. However, we know that most boosts have just one transistor. The layout shows just one transistor, so it's not unreasonable to conclude that the single transistor inverts phase. We'll keep on the lookout for a schematic.


Additional Sources