Envelope Filter Fixed Wah

From Thermionic Studios
Revision as of 00:38, 24 August 2018 by Zander (talk | contribs) (Phase Inversion: Inverted)
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The BYOC Envelope Filter Fixed Wah pedal is a pretty interesting beast. Its closest relative is probably the discontinued MXR Q-Zone. The Q-Zone replicates the signature Michael Schencker (and a few others) sound of a wah-wah pedal that's been turned on, but left with the treadle in a location on the sweep which provides a sort of nasally-sounding tone. Michael Schencker actually made this sound, he used a Vox wah-wah pedal that he would leave on and would purposely not rock the treadle. The problem is that when used in this way, a wah-wah can be a tone-suck and there are better means of achieving the same end. The BYOC fixed wah can do that. It's fixed wah function doesn't offer the same kind of tone shaping possibilities that the Q-Zone does, but it's not meant to offer that.

Because this pedal also offers an envelope filter to help you get your funk on.


  • Knob 1 - "Range": Controls the intensity of the envelope filter effect.
  • Knob 2 - "Manual": Controls the tone or the "where in the sweep of the wah" when "Switch 1" is in "Fixed Wah" position.
  • Knob 3 - "Attack": Controls amount of sweep of the envelope filter on the sound being played.
  • Knob 4 - "Sensitivity": Controls how hard you need to pick in order to trigger the envelope.
  • Switch 1 - "Envelope / Fixed Wah": Toggles between the Envelope Filter and Fixed Wah functions
  • Footswitch 1 - "On/Off": Toggles the pedal between Bypassed (off) and Engaged (on).


The Envelope Filter Fixed Wah is True Bypass.

General Information


Phase Inversion: Yes

Yes. This pedal inverts signal phase.

This is sort of unusual. Based on the schematic, and given the function of this pedal, it only makes sense to chart out the signal flow twice:

  • First, for the smaller circuit piece of the Fixed Wah function:
Fixed Wah
Schematic ID Electronic Part Action Phase State
IC1a TL072 Inverts Inverted
IC2a LM13600 Does not Invert Inverted
IC2a(7) LM13600 Does not Invert Inverted
IC2a(8) LM13600 Does not Invert Inverted
IC2b LM13600 Does not Invert Inverted
IC2b(10) LM13600 Does not Invert Inverted
IC2b(9) LM13600 Does not Invert Inverted
  • Second for when the additional envelope filter circuit pieces are added from the toggle switch:
Envelope Filter (includes "Fixed Wah" function)
Schematic ID Electronic Part Action Phase State
IC1b TL072 Does not Invert Inverted
Q1 2N5088 Does not Invert Inverted

Pedal Manual

BYOC has not issued a pedal manual. The best references, as we understand to exist, are either this wiki page, or the pedal build guide (linked above) at the BYOC website.


© Copyright 2010, BYOC LLC.


We are currently unaware of any artists actively using the pedal now, or who have in the past.

Additional Sources