Leeds Fuzz
Build Your Own Clone Leeds Fuzz. This is a recreation of the original Univox SuperFuzz. We usually try not to cut-and-paste (in this case from the BYOC website) from the original pedal descriptions' sales copy of the pedals we have on offer for rental, but this description is just too amusing:
"...the BYOC Leeds Fuzz is a faithful recreation of the Univox Superfuzz, but without the big funky box. If you've ever played a Superfuzz, then you know that Pete didn't come up with the idea of doing windmills... the pedal made him do it."
- Thermionic Studios has one(1) Leeds Fuzz pedal available for rental.

- Knob 1 - "Control1": Adjusts the control1 feature with fully clockwise being maximum.
- Knob 2 - "Control2": Adjusts the control2 feature with fully clockwise being maximum.
- Switch 1 - "Control3": Toggles the control3 feature between setting1 and setting2.
- Footswitch 1 - "On/Off": This footswitch toggles the pedal between engaged/active ("On"), and bypassed ("Off")
Bypass: Buffered/True
Like all BYOC pedals,
General Information
This pedal is a faithful replication of the Univox Super Fuzz. The Univox Super Fuzz
Never forget that regardless of whatever informational section, good descriptions of things (in this case pedals) require ad-libbing additional Subjects/Titles, and Sub-Subjects/Titles. This is important as particular and peculiar features regarding a pedal stand out, and thus require calling out. Let form follow function.
Pedal Manual
Phase Inversion: Yes/No
Schematic ID | Electronic Part | Action | Phase State |
X | X | X | X |
We are currently unaware of any artists actively using the pedal now, or who have in the past.
- Additional Sources