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Madbean Flabulanche. This pedal is both an overdrive and a compressor. It specifically borrows a couple of ideas from Runoff Groove, specifically the "Fetzer Valve". Jon Patton, who created this pedal, has called it both the Snowy Day Overdrive and the Polar Bear Overdrive, but this has been titled the "Flabulanche" by Madbean,. We suspect that's likely just the name for the PCB.

This pedal has a few interesting features in addition to the Fetzer Valve, specifically, running at 18 volts to push the FET into a "tube" sound when overdriving, and the built-in compressor, to also compress the signal, like an overdriven vacuum tube.

Thermionic Studios has one(1) Madbean Flabulanche PCB. When we finish assembling it, it will be available for rental.


Image from Reference Image
  • Knob 1 - "Control1": Adjusts the control1 feature with fully clockwise being maximum.
  • Knob 2 - "Control2": Adjusts the control2 feature with fully clockwise being maximum.
  • Footswitch 1 - "On/Off": This footswitch toggles the pedal between engaged/active ("On"), and bypassed ("Off")

Bypass: True

The MadBean Flabulance is true bypass.

General Information

Additional Feature Description - Technical elements


Never forget that regardless of whatever informational section, good descriptions of things (in this case pedals) require ad-libbing additional Subjects/Titles, and Sub-Subjects/Titles. This is important as particular and peculiar features regarding a pedal stand out, and thus require calling out. Let form follow function.

Pedal Manual

Phase Inversion: Yes/No

Schematic ID Electronic Part Action Phase State


© Copyright 2019, Thermionic Studios


We are currently unaware of any artists actively using the pedal now, or who have in the past.

Additional Sources