Black Triangle
DeadAstronautFX Black Triangle Overdrive. Background information - cultural elements.
- Thermionic Studios is building two(2) Black Triangle Overdrives. Once completed, they will be available for rental.

- Knob 1 - "Control1": Adjusts the control1 feature with fully clockwise being maximum.
- Knob 2 - "Control2": Adjusts the control2 feature with fully clockwise being maximum.
- Footswitch 1 - "On/Off": This footswitch toggles the pedal between engaged/active ("On"), and bypassed ("Off")
Bypass: Buffered/True
Delete whichever header piece is incorrect and provide a small description for the other.
General Information
Additional Feature Description - Technical elements
Never forget that regardless of whatever informational section, good descriptions of things (in this case pedals) require ad-libbing additional Subjects/Titles, and Sub-Subjects/Titles. This is important as particular and peculiar features regarding a pedal stand out, and thus require calling out. Let form follow function.
Pedal Manual
Build Details
In the instance where this is a pedal built by Thermionic Studios, provide the specifics of the build in this section here. In the instance of a production pedal, either post an image of the completed PCB of the production in the enclosure, or remove this page section entirely.
Item | Value |
PCB Creator | (PCB Creator) |
PCB Dimensions | length X width (metric) length x width (SAE) |
Enclosure Size | Hammond 1590(!!)/1550(!!) |
Enclosure Orientation | Portrait / Landscape |
Power Adapter | 9 volts, Standard Boss "barrel-negative" supply 9-volt battery snap available |
Power Consumption | 'XXX' milliamps |
Phase Inversion: Yes/No
Schematic ID | Electronic Part | Action | Phase State |
X | X | X | X |
We are currently unaware of any artists actively using the pedal now, or who have in the past.
- Additional Sources