We could start this article by saying "The General Guitar Gadgets BSIAB2", pretty much like we do with all our other pedal descriptions, but the truth of the matter is that there are many places you can get the BSIAB2. The BSIAB2 is a DIY pedal project begun by Ed Guidry in an attempt to create the Van Halen "Brown Sound". The title "BSIAB2" is an abbrieviation for "Brown Sound In A Box (version 2)". We've seen previous three-knob versions of the BSIAB and thought, "Yeah, that's nice." We even heard the BSIAB2 in the three-knob configuration and thought, "Yeah, that's nice."
We can't explain why, but the four-knob version with the extra resistance from the Contour control seems to make so much difference. That fourth pot turns the BSIAB2 from a "that's nice" distortion pedal into a "Holy s###!" kind of pedal. Our first true exposure to the kind of tone that is available from the four-knob BSIAB2 was from Meatloaf's guitarist, Paul Crook, on his Youtube Channel (yes this link goes to his BSIAB2 build demo).
Once we'd heard that, we knew that this was a pedal to build. So we ordered more than one kit. Just because.
- Thermionic Studios has three(3) GGG Brown-Sound-In-A-Box (BSIAB2) kits. When we finish assembling them, they will be available for rental.

- Knob 1 - "Volume": This knob controls the loudness of the entire distortion effect, with fully clockwise being maximum.
- Knob 2 - "Drive": Adjusts the amount of distortion with fully clockwise being maximum.
- Knob 3 - "Tone": This knob controls the loudness of the frequecies selected by the Contour control.
- Knob 4 - "Contour": Use this knob to adjust where the Tone control is active in the frequency spectrum. Counter-clockwise for louder or quieter mids, clockwise for treble.
- Footswitch 1 - "On/Off": This footswitch toggles the pedal between engaged/active ("On"), and bypassed ("Off")
Bypass: True
The BSIAB2, like all of General Guitar Gadgets pedal kits, is true bypass.
General Information
Pedal Manual
Phase Inversion: Yes/No
We are currently unaware of any artists actively using the pedal now, or who have in the past.
- Additional Sources