Thermionic Studios:Acknowledgments
Thermionic Studios would like to acknowledge the following for their contribution in making the Thermionic Wiki possible.
If we have inadvertently used material that you're aware that we have failed to attribute properly, please reach out and let us know so that we can correct the oversight as quickly as reasonably possible.
General Gratitude
"General Gratitude" means that your works have inspired us to do this and make it something that we hope contributes to new artists and new art. You've made great things which in turn have made us want to make great things. Thank you!
Thanks so much to all the artists who wrote the great and inspiring music who, in turn, caused us to want to pursue making great and transcendent sounds that we love and cherish. This site is intended to be the halls of honor for you and your craft, and the inspiration its brought to countless millions.
- Amplifiers
Thanks to all the amplifier designers and builders who made the sounds possible. Thanks to the early pioneers who knew what they wanted but didn't necessarily know how to get there and spent countless thankless hours toiling in obscurity to make those desires reality.
- Effects
Thanks to all the effects designers and builder who made further incredible sounds possible. Whether it was by finding things by accident (hello Fuzz Face!) or by long, hard, methodical design, you made the glimmer of what started as heavy electric blues, and made the possibility of multiple heavy genres a reality.
Specific Gratitude
"Specific Gratitude" means that we're using some of the product you've made and that we're grateful that you've made it available so that we can, in turn, use it in the pursuit of making great things ourselves. Here's what we've used and who we would like to thank specifically:
Without the MediaWiki project (the shared, open-source, and freely available content platform used for Wikipedia), this wiki and the pages therein would not exist. We tried several wiki platforms, but MediaWiki was simply the most familiar, most feature rich, and easiest to use. Thank you MediaWiki team!
Dark Vector Skin
We'd also like to thank the creators of the MediaWiki Dark Vector skin. We have changed up this skin by modifying it with some of our own .css (title and section header fonts, and the black tolex background), but it is mostly the product of this team. Thank you Dark Vector team!
There was a fairly exhaustive effort put into the selection of the fonts at use here. We spent something like 40 total hours of effort - just for finding available fonts and reviewing them for fit, and then finally trying them out! It's amazing just how much effort is required when you're looking for *exactly* the right fonts to convey your desired style. Truthfully, we didn't have a "desired style" when we started. Given the heavy music perspective of the site, we used a number of different fonts trying to find a cohesive theme and feeling for the wiki. There were the Tolkien/Dungeons and Dragons fonts, there were the retro-future fonts, there were 8-bit PC style fonts, and beautifully worn stencil-looking type fonts. Many could have worked and worked well. We finally found our inspiration fulfilled in an obscure font that looked like hand-scribbled wanna-be calligraphy. Of course! We'd make the wiki look like a high school or college notebook!
With that in place, the further search for fonts continued so that the wiki would resemble a very human-feeling knowledge repository: A well-kept and organized, but otherwise font-doodled high-school and / or college notebook.
- Article Titles
The font we've chosen for our Article titles (school notebook calligraphy) font is called Sketch Gothic School and was created by Galdino Otten. Thank you Galdino!
- Link for Readme and Credits pdf from Galdino Otten here.
- Section Titles
The font we've chosen for Section Headers inside articles on here on the wiki is called "About a Boy" by Darcy Baldwin. This is to keep it looking like a young adult's handwriting - maybe someone who still likes to learn by the act of writing in a notebook, but who has given up on cursive writing. This is an all-caps font (with smaller "caps" for lower-case) for major section headers.
- Subsection Headers
The font we use for the subheaders within sections is called "Jrhand". Thank you Tepid Monkey for this font. It was the closest we could find while keeping in the vein of the above guidelines, and in keeping a consistent "handwriting style" with the other fonts in place. Truthfully, we're not so hot on the lower-case "g", but not being font designers ourselves, it was the best we could find in keeping with the site.
We have attempted to demonstrate our gratitude to all non-thermionic images by crediting all images to their sources. Currently most images on this wiki are the product of the efforts of others. As more work is applied and as we get a better camera and begin to take pictures of all our gear and posting them, we'll be replacing the images we've found online, who have been taken by others with our own images. Until such time, and for every instance where we use images created by others, we shall make every effort to attribute every image not the product of the time and effort of the personnel working for Thermionic Studios.