Bronx Cheer

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We put background information here

Thermionic Studios has one(1) GGG Bronx Cheer PCB. When we finish assembling the pedal, it will be available for rental.


  • Knob 1 - "Effect Level": Adjusts the volume of the effect with fully clockwise being maximum effect level.
  • Switch 1 - "High/Low": Adjusts the frequency around which the filtering is done from "high" to "low".
  • Footswitch 1 - "On/Off": This footswitch toggles the pedal between engaged/active ("On"), and bypassed ("Off")

Bypass: True

The GGG Bronx Cheer is true bypass.

General Information

Pedal Manual

Phase Inversion: Yes

This pedal is not unlike a simple booster. It has a single transistor that amplifies and inverts the signal.

Schematic ID Electronic Part Action Phase State
Q1 MPSA13 Inverts Inverted



We are currently unaware of any artists actively using the pedal now, or who have in the past.

Additional Sources