Search results
Create the page "Routing Pedals" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- ...fore deciding that you're going to invest a lot of money in obtaining such pedals for yourself. ...uction pedals): This means that this company builds and sells full working pedals. Just buy, plug in, and play76 KB (11,701 words) - 08:56, 18 September 2024
- [[Category:Pedals]] [[Category:Routing Pedals]]852 bytes (120 words) - 08:11, 20 November 2020
- [[Category:Pedals]] [[Category:Routing Pedals]]8 KB (1,216 words) - 01:18, 14 March 2023
- [[Category:Pedals]] [[Category:Routing Pedals]]1 KB (219 words) - 07:48, 20 November 2020
- ...e pedal. Plus we offer a few more features on our Double SHO Crackle Boost pedals that you won't find on the Super Hard-On, or, likely on any other Jeds Peds ...When we're done coverting them, we'll have two(2) Double SHO Crackle-Boost pedals available for rental.5 KB (765 words) - 07:45, 20 November 2020