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The TOCT by GGG is an attempt to rebuild the Tycho Brahe Octavia using modern materials and techniques. The original Octavia is shrouded in mystique and controversy - there is a contention that the "original" 9-volt cheese wedge model Octavia released by Tycho Brahe is a copy of the 24-volt Octavia originally built for Jimi Hendrix by Roger Mayer. However, it would seem either by superior marketing, or by superior sound (we can't tell), the Tycho Brahe Octavia is esteemed as the most intense Octave-up fuzz to have been created. We have heard a few different versions of the origin of the Tycho Brahe Octavia.

The closest we've been able to get to the Octavia is when we picked up a Dunlop Octavio a few years back before it was discontinued.


  1. Pre-Gain
  2. Intensity
  3. Volume

The TOCT Pre-Gain control is the addition of General Guitar Gadgets and controls the amount of fuzz that is created. If turned down, it allows more octave-up effect to be audible.

General Information

The TOCT, as reworked by General Guitar Gadgets uses NPN transistors so that conventional Boss-style center-negative AC power adapters can be used. The original Tycho Brahe Octavia used PNP transistors would require a different kind of AC power adapter.

Phase Inversion

Our preliminary look at the schematic indicates that it should not invert phase. This will need to be born out by testing and observation.

Pedal Manual

General Guitar Gadgets has not issued a manual on how to use the TOCT.

Lore and Controversy

We have captured the following from Roger Mayer's website simply because we know websites come and go, and we think that his testimony is germane and interesting to the lore behind the Octavia. We do not wish for his testimony to simply disappear:

Roger Mayer's Octavia Declaration