Rat II
From Thermionic Studios
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General Information
From http://www.freestompboxes.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=13679 :
People say that the OPO7 is thinner or harsher sounding than a LM308. I think, however, that this perception may be down to the fact that a lot of the Chinese Rats have 0.0027uf instead of a 0.0033uf cap in the tone control. This will make a OPO7 Rat sound brighter at the same tone settings compared to a LM308 Rat.
If you bump the compensation cap of a OPO7 up from 33pf to a 100-150pf to compensate for the fact that the OPO7 has a faster slew rate than a LM308 then they sound pretty much the same to me.
Pedal Manual
Phase Inversion
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