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(Total Enclosures)
(Samples Box)
(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 4: Line 4:
Shelves and Drawers are counted from top-down.
Shelves and Drawers are counted from top-down.
==Shelves with Enclosures==
== Bookshelves ==
===Shelf 1===
{| class="wikitable" style="left; margin-right:20px; background-color:#eeffee;" cellpadding="10"
* Weber Impedance Matcher
! Shelf # || Bookshelf 1 || Bookshelf 2
* Weber Two-Head Selector
* Microphone Cloudlifter (preamp + phantom power)
! scope="row" | Top of Case
* Focusrite Clarett 4Pre
    | Bucket of Tube Boxes
    | Bucket of vintage tubes
    | Focusrite Clarett 4Pre
    | Black tolex for Laney Supergroup head (folded)
    | Black Vox grill cloth (folded)
    | Brown Vox grill cloth (folded)
    | Salt and pepper grill cloth (folded)
    | Black and silver grill cloth (folded)
    | Black and gold paisley grill cloth (folded)
    | Black and green snakeskin tolex (folded)
    | Supplements
    | Jar for KBS Diamond coating
    | 100 Watt Power Transformer
    | 50 Watt Power Transformer
    | Tray with all PCBs for pedals
! scope="row" | Shelf One
    | 2 boxes of CD library
    | 1 x 1590YY (slant box right top - Scrambler enclosure?)
    | 2 x 1590STPC (octagon, far back, for homespun fuzz faces)
    | 10 x 1590BB
    | 2 x 1590XX
    | 11 x 1090NS (for buffers and such)
| * Weber Impedance Matcher<br> * Weber Two-Head Selector<br> * Cloudlifter<br> * Focusrite Clarett 4Pre<br /> Headphone Amp
! scope="row" | Shelf Two
    | 2 boxes of CD library
    | 21 x 1590BB
| Flanged Enclosure 1590BBFL
! scope="row" | Shelf Three
    | 2 boxes of CD library
    | 3 x 1590DD
    | 2 x 1550G
| Something Something
! scope="row" | Shelf Four
    | big box of sorted vintage electronic components
    | 1 x 1590Q
    | 3 x drilled and painted 1590N1
    | big box of sorted vintage electronic components
    | 1 x 1590Q
    | 3 x drilled and painted 1590N1
! scope="row" | Shelf Five
    | big tray of sorted vintage electronic components
    | 17 x 1590N1
| 1590BBFL
! scope="row" | Shelf Six
    | Library of amp repair, tube theory, music publishing, booking, guitar repair books
    | Library of notebooks with all notes from each amp and pedal we've built
    | 67 x 1590B
    | OLCircuits kits: Slo Century, Orange Peel, Dr. Watt, Flipster, Tube Cricket
| Insulated Jacks
===Shelf 2===
=== Enclosures on Bookshelves Subtotal ===
* Books
===Shelf 3===
* 1456FE1BKBK (for DeadEndFX Pompei - "Synthi HiFli")
* vintage electronic components
===Shelf 4===
* 2 x 1590DD
* 2 x 1550G
* vintage electronic components
===Shelf 5===
* 53 x 1590B
* 1 x 1590B GGG pedals - drilled and painted: 1 x Orange Squeezer
* 2 x 1590N1
* 3 x 1590N1 GGG & GuitarPCB - drilled and painted: 1 x GuitarPCB G2, 1 x GGG BSIAB 4-knob, 1 x ITS8 (+ mods)
* 25 x 1590BB
* 5 X 1590BB: OLCircuits - drilled: 1 x Tube Cricket, 1 x Orange Peel, 1 x Slow Century, 1 x Flipster, 1 x Dr. Watt
===Shelf 6===
* Runequest RPG Books
===Shelves Enclosures Subtotal===
* 54 x 1590B
* 54 x 1590B
* 30 x 1590BB
* 30 x 1590BB
* 5 x 1590N1
* 5 x 1590N1
* 2 x 1590DD
* 2 x 1590DD
* 2 x 1590G
* 2 x 1550G
* 1 x 1456FE1BKBK (for DeadEndFX Pompei - "Synthi HiFli")
* 1 x 1456FE1BKBK (for DeadEndFX Pompei - "Synthi HiFli")
==Drawers with Enclosures==
== Tools / Storage Drawers ==
Hard to get a full count of all the enclosures for the pedals if we don't include everything. Durrrr...
Hard to get a full count of all the enclosures for the pedals if we don't include everything. Durrrr...
This will also help me keep track of the crap that's in the drawers, but that fuller inventory can be later
This will also help me keep track of the crap that's in the drawers, but that fuller inventory can be later
===Drawer 1===
=== Drawer 1 ===
; Layout:
; Layout:
* 2 x 1590STPC (octagon, far back) - (for homespun fuzz faces)
* 2 x 1590STPC (octagon, far back) - (for homespun fuzz faces)
Line 59: Line 147:
* 1 x 1590XX (front) -
* 1 x 1590XX (front) -
===Drawer 2===
=== Drawer 2 ===
; Layout:
; Layout:
* 1 x Petty Cash case (left, back)
* 1 x Petty Cash case (left, back)
Line 70: Line 158:
* 2 x 1590N1
* 2 x 1590N1
===Drawer 3===
=== Drawer 3 ===
; Layout:
; Layout:
* huge bunch of guitar parts/repair parts
* huge bunch of guitar parts/repair parts
===Drawer 4===
=== Drawer 4 ===
* tube amp parts
* tube amp parts
===Drawer 5===
=== Drawer 5 ===
; Layout:
; Layout:
* 1 x Nixie tube clock kit (back, left)
* 1 x Nixie tube clock kit (back, left)
Line 92: Line 180:
* 1 x 1590D (Top. center)
* 1 x 1590D (Top. center)
===Drawer 6===
=== Drawer 6 ===
* Pedal kits, no enclosures (to be enumerated)
* Pedal kits, no enclosures (to be enumerated)
===Drawer 7===
=== Drawer 7 ===
* Black tolex for re-covering our Laney Supergroup cabinet
* Black w/ 3-color Vox grill cloth
* Brown w/ 3-color Vox grill cloth
===Drawer 8===
=== Drawer 8 ===
* Hand tools
* Hand tools
===Drawer 9===
=== Drawer 9 ===
* Instrument and speaker cable supplies
* Instrument and speaker cable supplies
===Drawer 10===
=== Drawer 10 ===
* BYOC and GGG packaged kits
* BYOC and GGG packaged kits
===Drawers Enclosures Subtotal===
=== Drawers Enclosures Subtotal ===
* 15 x 1590B
* 15 x 1590B
* 15 x 1590N1
* 15 x 1590N1
Line 119: Line 205:
* 1 x 1590D
* 1 x 1590D
== Other ==
Need to capture other places we have supplies that aren't big enough to get their own spot or name.
=== Samples Box ===
This is to make sure we have reference pieces so we know what enclosure we might need to use if it's not standard 1590B/1590N1/1590BB
{| class="wikitable" style="left; margin-right:20px; background-color:#eeffee;" cellpadding="10"
! Enclosures || Hammond Code || Quantity || (in) dimensions || (mm) dimensions
| rowspan="3" | Most Common
|| 1590B2 (taller 1590B) || 21 || 4.4 x 2.7 x 1.5 || 112 x 60 x 36
| 1590N1 || 10 || 4.8 x 2.6 x 1.6 || 121 x 66 x 40
| 1590BB || 10 || 4.7 x 3.7 x 1.3 || 119 x 94 x 34
| rowspan="5" | 1550 Series
|| 1550A || 1 || 3.5 x 1.4 x 1.0 || 89 x 35 x 28
| 1550B || 1 || 4.5 x 2.5 x 1.0 || 115 x 64 x 28
| 1550G ("the biggest") || 1 || 8.7 x 5.8 x 2.0 || 222 x 148 x 51
| 1550M (slightly wider "BB") || 1 ||4.6 x 3.8 x 1.4 || 120 x 102 x 35
| 1550P (small "deck of cards") || 1 || 3.2 x 2.2 x 0.8 || 80 x 55 x 21
| rowspan="15" | 1590 Series
|| 1590AFL (1590A w/flanges on lid - for Randall boost) || 1 || 3.6 x 1.5 x 1.1 || 92 x 39 x 27
| 1590B || 1 || 4.4 x 2.4 x 1.1 || 112 x 60 x 30
| 1590B2 || 1 || 4.4 x 2.4 x 1.5 || 112 x 60 x 36
| 1590B3 || 1 || 4.6 x 3.0 x 1.5 || 119 x 94 x 38
| 1590BB2 (taller than "BB") || 1 || 4.7 x 3.7 x 1.5 || 119 x 94 x 38
| 1590BBS (taller than BB2) || 1 || 4.7 x 3.7 x 1.7 || 119 x 94 x 42
| 1590BX (tall "multi switcher"-type enclosure) || 1 || 10 x 2.8 x 2.0 || 254 x 70 x 50
| 1590BX2 (short "power supply dealio" enclosure) || 1 || 10 x 2.8 x 1.4 || 254 x 70 x 35
| 1590D (taller than DD) || 1 || 7.4 x 4.7 x 2.0 || 187 x 119 x 52
| 1590J || 1 || 5.7 x 3.7 x 1.9 || 145 x 95 x 49
| 1590P1 || 1 || 6.0 x 3.3 x 2.0 || 183 x 83 x 50
| 1590Q || 1 || 4.7 x 4.7 x 1.3 || 120 x 120 x 34
| 1590S || 1 || 4.4 x 3.2 x 1.7 || 110 x 82 x 44
| "1590YY" from Amplified Parts (sloped 1590BB) || 1 || n/a || n/a
| "klon" cloned enclosures || 2 || n/a || n/a
==Total Enclosures==
== Total Enclosures ==
* 69 x 1590B
* 69 x 1590B (+20 1590B2)
* 20 x 1590N1
* 30 x 1590N1
* 36 x 1590BB
* 46 x 1590BB
* 3 x 1590XX
* 3 x 1590XX
* 3 x 1590DD
* 3 x 1590DD

Latest revision as of 20:55, 12 August 2024

Shelves and Drawers are counted from top-down.


Shelf # Bookshelf 1 Bookshelf 2
Top of Case
Bucket of Tube Boxes
Bucket of vintage tubes
Focusrite Clarett 4Pre
Black tolex for Laney Supergroup head (folded)
Black Vox grill cloth (folded)
Brown Vox grill cloth (folded)
Salt and pepper grill cloth (folded)
Black and silver grill cloth (folded)
Black and gold paisley grill cloth (folded)
Black and green snakeskin tolex (folded)
Jar for KBS Diamond coating
100 Watt Power Transformer
50 Watt Power Transformer
Tray with all PCBs for pedals
Shelf One
2 boxes of CD library
1 x 1590YY (slant box right top - Scrambler enclosure?)
2 x 1590STPC (octagon, far back, for homespun fuzz faces)
10 x 1590BB
2 x 1590XX
11 x 1090NS (for buffers and such)
* Weber Impedance Matcher
* Weber Two-Head Selector
* Cloudlifter
* Focusrite Clarett 4Pre
Headphone Amp
Shelf Two
2 boxes of CD library
21 x 1590BB
Flanged Enclosure 1590BBFL
Shelf Three
2 boxes of CD library
3 x 1590DD
2 x 1550G
Something Something
Shelf Four
big box of sorted vintage electronic components
1 x 1590Q
3 x drilled and painted 1590N1
big box of sorted vintage electronic components
1 x 1590Q
3 x drilled and painted 1590N1
Shelf Five
big tray of sorted vintage electronic components
17 x 1590N1
Shelf Six
Library of amp repair, tube theory, music publishing, booking, guitar repair books
Library of notebooks with all notes from each amp and pedal we've built
67 x 1590B
OLCircuits kits: Slo Century, Orange Peel, Dr. Watt, Flipster, Tube Cricket
Insulated Jacks

Enclosures on Bookshelves Subtotal

  • 54 x 1590B
  • 30 x 1590BB
  • 5 x 1590N1
  • 2 x 1590DD
  • 2 x 1550G
  • 1 x 1456FE1BKBK (for DeadEndFX Pompei - "Synthi HiFli")

Tools / Storage Drawers

Hard to get a full count of all the enclosures for the pedals if we don't include everything. Durrrr...

This will also help me keep track of the crap that's in the drawers, but that fuller inventory can be later

Drawer 1

  • 2 x 1590STPC (octagon, far back) - (for homespun fuzz faces)
  • 1 x 1590N1 (far back)
  • 2 x 1590BB (far back) -
  • 10 x 1590B (left side)
  • 4 x 1590BB (middle) -
  • 2 x 1590XX (right) -
  • 3 x 1590N1 (front)
  • 1 x 1590Q (front)
  • 1 x 1590XX (front) -

Drawer 2

  • 1 x Petty Cash case (left, back)
  • 2 x 1590N1 (right, back)
  • 1 x brown-n-beige angled enclosure
  • 1 x 1590DD
  • 1 x silver klon enclosure + kit (inside encl.)
  • 1 x PAIA 4-band EQ rackmount faceplate
  • 1 x black plastic enclosure for testing tube bias (8- and 9-pin bases inside)
  • 2 x 1590N1

Drawer 3

  • huge bunch of guitar parts/repair parts

Drawer 4

  • tube amp parts

Drawer 5

  • 1 x Nixie tube clock kit (back, left)
  • 1 x Randall XP-3 (volume boost for max distortion on RG-80 treble pull-knob, back right)
  • 1 x parts & chassis for Fender 5E3 Deluxe (left)
  • 1 x power transformer for 5E3P (EL-34) Fender Deluxe (Pro-luxe, 30-35 watts) (I think? - need to check it again. Seems heavy enough...)
  • 1 x accutronics spring tank for Hooke reverb pedal
  • 1 x sample extrusion enclosure for new XP-3 remake
  • 5 x 1590B
  • 7 x 1590N1 (middle left & right front)
  • 1 x baggie w/ PCBs: 1 @ GGG Headphone amp, 2 @ Inverting Buffer, 2 @ Cream Buffer, 4 @ Klon Buffer
  • 11 @ 1090NS enclosures
  • 1 @ 1090NS-FL enclosure (extended flange w/ screw holes)
  • 1 x 1590D (Top. center)

Drawer 6

  • Pedal kits, no enclosures (to be enumerated)

Drawer 7

Drawer 8

  • Hand tools

Drawer 9

  • Instrument and speaker cable supplies

Drawer 10

  • BYOC and GGG packaged kits

Drawers Enclosures Subtotal

  • 15 x 1590B
  • 15 x 1590N1
  • 6 x 1590BB
  • 3 x 1590XX
  • 2 x 1590STPC
  • 1 x 1590Q
  • 1 x 1590DD
  • 1 x 1590D


Need to capture other places we have supplies that aren't big enough to get their own spot or name.

Samples Box

This is to make sure we have reference pieces so we know what enclosure we might need to use if it's not standard 1590B/1590N1/1590BB

Enclosures Hammond Code Quantity (in) dimensions (mm) dimensions
Most Common 1590B2 (taller 1590B) 21 4.4 x 2.7 x 1.5 112 x 60 x 36
1590N1 10 4.8 x 2.6 x 1.6 121 x 66 x 40
1590BB 10 4.7 x 3.7 x 1.3 119 x 94 x 34
1550 Series 1550A 1 3.5 x 1.4 x 1.0 89 x 35 x 28
1550B 1 4.5 x 2.5 x 1.0 115 x 64 x 28
1550G ("the biggest") 1 8.7 x 5.8 x 2.0 222 x 148 x 51
1550M (slightly wider "BB") 1 4.6 x 3.8 x 1.4 120 x 102 x 35
1550P (small "deck of cards") 1 3.2 x 2.2 x 0.8 80 x 55 x 21
1590 Series 1590AFL (1590A w/flanges on lid - for Randall boost) 1 3.6 x 1.5 x 1.1 92 x 39 x 27
1590B 1 4.4 x 2.4 x 1.1 112 x 60 x 30
1590B2 1 4.4 x 2.4 x 1.5 112 x 60 x 36
1590B3 1 4.6 x 3.0 x 1.5 119 x 94 x 38
1590BB2 (taller than "BB") 1 4.7 x 3.7 x 1.5 119 x 94 x 38
1590BBS (taller than BB2) 1 4.7 x 3.7 x 1.7 119 x 94 x 42
1590BX (tall "multi switcher"-type enclosure) 1 10 x 2.8 x 2.0 254 x 70 x 50
1590BX2 (short "power supply dealio" enclosure) 1 10 x 2.8 x 1.4 254 x 70 x 35
1590D (taller than DD) 1 7.4 x 4.7 x 2.0 187 x 119 x 52
1590J 1 5.7 x 3.7 x 1.9 145 x 95 x 49
1590P1 1 6.0 x 3.3 x 2.0 183 x 83 x 50
1590Q 1 4.7 x 4.7 x 1.3 120 x 120 x 34
1590S 1 4.4 x 3.2 x 1.7 110 x 82 x 44
"1590YY" from Amplified Parts (sloped 1590BB) 1 n/a n/a
"klon" cloned enclosures 2 n/a n/a

Total Enclosures

  • 69 x 1590B (+20 1590B2)
  • 30 x 1590N1
  • 46 x 1590BB
  • 3 x 1590XX
  • 3 x 1590DD
  • 2 x 1590STPC
  • 2 x 1550G
  • 1 x 1456FE1BKBK (for DeadEndFX Pompei - "Synthi HiFli")
  • 1 x 1590Q
  • 1 x 1590D